What Are Fog Lights and How Can You Use Them?

What Are Fog Lights and How Can You Use Them?

In the last few years, the car industry has revolutionized, they have introduced a wide range of lights, and this has given a popular notion that fog lights are unnecessary. But this must not negate the importance of fog lights. Fog lights must be added to the taillights at the rear of a car. You will typically find fog lights fitted to mid-spec models and upwards, an aesthetic that attracts rental car consumers to have an advantage over basic cars.

They’re not only great for aesthetics but valuable to assist you with being seen while driving in foggy and harsh weather conditions. This is extra important to take care of in your rental vehicle since you’d need to pay for damages to the company in case the car goes through any trouble because you failed to use the right lights while driving in the dark.

It is the latest trend in the car industry that newer cars have switched from front fog lights to bright LED lights. They are for a similar purpose, to enhance visibility when it is poor. But the problem is that they are not designed to light your way, whereas the fog lights are designed to make you more visible to other car drivers.

How to use fog lights?  

Usually, you operate fog by a separate switch than the main light switches. A few cars have buttons to activate fog lights while others have a collar that could be switched on by turning back and forth. A few cars utilize the rotational light change control to initiate them which means basically pull the switch towards you, and the fog lights will turn on.

Most cars will have some symbol or figure that will let you know when the fog lights are on. For back confronting fog lights, the symbol will guide the other way toward the headlights symbol, while the front fog light focuses on a similar bearing as the front light symbol. Most fog lights are intended to go off when the vehicle’s start or lights are switched off, so the idea behind why a vehicle is driving in clear weather with fog lights on is that the driver isn’t focusing and has neglected to switch them off.

If you don’t understand how to use the fog lights on your rental vehicle, you could always ask the company you’re renting from to help you out by providing the right manual for the car you’re renting.

When to turn the fog lights on? 

A few drivers assume that the appearance of a smidgen of fog is the point of turning on the fog lights of cars, however, that is positively not the reason to turn them on. So how about we make sense of when you ought to utilize them, and when they ought to remain off.

Fog lights are intended to be utilized when visibility is seriously limited, mainly by fog, yet additionally in other unfortunate visibility conditions like heavy snow or rainfall. They are intended to make you more apparent, as opposed to assisting with lighting your direction, so they are not required in great visibility conditions around evening time, that is the very thing your headlights are for. They ought to possibly be utilized when your vehicle’s primary lights won’t be sufficient to make you appear to other people on the road.

So, an easy guideline for utilizing your fog lamps, is whether you can see the closest streetlight up the street from the one you’re passing. Utilize this standard, and obviously, it’s simply going to be in the haziest or snowiest circumstances that fog lights ought to be utilized. Obviously fog lights are a valuable and additional tool when visibility is poor. Utilize sound judgment, and in the event that you can’t see a long way ahead, dial back, and hold a safe distance to the vehicle before you. Assuming there’s fog, the streets are probably going to be elusive, as well, so give yourself more space to slow down.

When NOT to use the fog lights

Assuming that the fog has cleared, you should turn off your fog lamps since you risk confusing other drivers. Know how to counter the weather conditions – while fog normally forms in the early morning, it will condense away as the sun rises, so that you’ve begun your day with your fog lights on, ensure you keep on assessing what is happening and turn them off when the weather conditions are clear.

Rear fog lights can obscure your brake lights and may prevent drivers behind from realizing that you’re stopping. Both front and rear fog lights create unnecessary glare in good visibility which can dazzle and annoy other road users, better to keep them switched off then.

The rear fog lamps are brighter than standard taillights, so when you brake, different drivers will most likely be unable to see your brake lights.

Clearly fog lights for cars are not required on a dry day, and there’s very little point in turning them on. The fog lights do not have a similar sort of reflectors as fundamental shaft headlights, so they are probably not going to give you any additional light to assist you with seeing where you are going.

Another thing is you shouldn’t be utilizing fog lights when it’s wet. The additional splendor of fog lights is multiplied by their appearance off a wet street surface, while the radiant red light can cause glare through other vehicle windscreens in the event that it’s coming down. Front fog lights can likewise be an interruption, particularly on the off chance that they are inadequately changed and cause stunning reflections.