Keep Your Car Up-to-Date with Regular Engine Oil Change - A Guide

Keep Your Car Up-to-Date with Regular Engine Oil Change

Car engine oil lubricates the internal components of your engine, reducing friction, preventing wear and tear, and ensuring efficient operation. Over time, it degrades and loses its effectiveness, making it crucial to replace it at the recommended intervals. Even as cars become increasingly sophisticated, motor oil remains the engine’s lifeblood, and caring for it is vital. Fortunately, this is a relatively simple task and your car’s onboard computer can help.

Many cars come equipped with a built-in service minder that signals when a change is necessary, based on usage, and some even indicate when the level is low. But it is still smart to check the fluid yourself every other fill-up. It may seem redundant, but it is a good excuse to inspect under the hood, check different fluid levels, and look for anything else that may cause trouble, such as a worn belt, loose parts, or signs of animal nesting.

When to Change the Motor Oil?

You should do it when it wears out or ages due to heat, pressure, and the accumulation of harmful particles. Even when the car is parked, it gradually degrades over time. To determine the specific interval for your car, consult the owner’s manual found in the glove box.

Avoid making assumptions based on experiences or advice from mechanics who may have outdated information. Built-in service reminders in vehicles are convenient. They are constantly monitoring mileage and driving conditions like a personal advisor.

When purchasing a new or used car, check the manual for reminder settings and ensure they are correctly configured. This prevents unnecessary waiting or misinterpreting lights meant for tire rotation.

How many kilometers need to change the engine oil for a car?

The rule is, to change after every 4500 kilometers is now outdated and no longer applicable due to advancements in engines and oil quality.

Most automakers now recommend intervals of 11,000 or 15,000 kilometers. It’s important to consult your owner’s manual for specific information about your car. Following the manual ensures proper lubrication and optimal engine performance. While some experts argue that the 4500-kilometer interval benefits the shops by generating more revenue through frequent visits, it is important for owners of older cars that recommend this interval to adhere to it. Scientific American suggests longer intervals of 8000 to 11,000 kilometers for its replacement, based on the car owners’ manuals as well as taking driving style and habits into consideration.

Time vs mileage

Even with the remarkable progress in chemistry and engine technology, the consensus remains that replacing it every 4,500 kilometers (3,000 miles) is still considered necessary. In fact, the majority of carmakers explicitly mention in their service manuals that the recommended interval should be either 11,000 or 15,000 kilometers (7,500 or 10,000 miles).

But It’s important, when its condition deteriorates and can no longer provide sufficient protection. To determine this, it is necessary to check its level, inspect for signs of contamination or breakdown, and consult the owner’s manual for the recommended interval.

Some vehicles have time-based intervals, such as every three, six, or twelve months, to account for natural degradation. Even if you drive a short distance, it will still degrade over time and lose its protective properties.

Mileage based service

Similarly, most vehicles have a mileage threshold that indicates when a change is necessary. In the past, the average limit used to be 3,000 miles, but for modern cars, it is often 5,000 miles or more.

It is advisable to do it before reaching this mileage limit. As it gets used, it thickens due to exposure to high temperatures, and the additives that clean and protect the engine break down. Some of it is lost as vapor or consumed by the engine, leading to a decrease in the level.

Contaminants accumulate in it, causing it to darken in color. Continuing to drive when it’s dirty or at a low level can lead to engine wear, increased heat, and other issues.

How Often Do You Need To Change Synthetic Oil

The frequency depends on your vehicle’s make, model, and year. Many cars now require it after every 7,500 to 10,000 miles, and synthetic can further prolong this duration. If you own a newer vehicle and drive an average amount, you might only need to do it annually.


Keeping your car’s engine oil up-to-date with regular changes is essential for maintaining its performance and longevity.