How a Monthly Car Rental Is Beneficial for You?

How a Monthly Car Rental Is Beneficial for You?
Whether you’re looking to update your employee transport benefits scheme, or just need a proper commuting service for your day-to-day needs, a monthly car rental is going to prove to be extremely beneficial for you. In this blog, we’re going to discuss some of those benefits.

1. Convenient

The best part about a monthly car rental contract is the convenience it provides to your daily commuting needs. Since you don’t own the car, you don’t have to concern yourself with its maintenance on a daily basis as it’s done by the rental company you are hiring. The only expense you need to worry about is fuel charges, and any extra charges you may have to pay in case of the car facing damages when you’re driving it.

2. Support and Assistance

When you sign a monthly car rental contract with a well-established car rental company, you’ll be relieved to know that you’ll be supported from the beginning to the end. Whether you have an emergency or need to have a query about the car, you can trust the rental services to respond to you on time.

Deinfa Motors has a 24-hour customer service system where they’re ready to answer any queries you may have.

3. Hassle-Free Traveling

If you’re planning to go on a long trip, you can easily have the car rental company assist you in the process if you’re looking to avail their services during your trip. Although you will have to make a proper plan of where you’re traveling and contact your car rental services to check if they even allow for their cars to be driven that far. Even so, if you’re on a monthly contract and worried about parking the car at your own house in fear of damages, you can have it parked at the rental company as it does belong to their fleet after all.

4. A Variety of Vehicle Choices

One of the biggest benefits of renting a car is the choice of vehicles you get to fit all your traveling needs. A well-established car rental company, like Deinfa Motors, offers you a variety of vehicles for every journey from sedans to SUVs, and more commercial options as well if you’re traveling with your entire family or friends’ group or arranging office transportation. For this purpose, having a monthly contract with such a rental service can come in handy for your daily traveling.

5. Decreased Losses

Studies show that customers face about 30% of losses when they sell their car. Meaning you end up loading money whenever it comes to changing your car, and you can’t keep driving the same car for years either. Hence, a monthly car rental helps you avoid these losses and unless you have damaged the rental car in any way, you won’t have to pay extra charges. For corporate, the company can avail below benefits
  1. No initial investment required
  2. No recurring maintenance cost
  3. No man power required for maintaining fleet
  4. In case of large fleet a dedicated fleet manager provided on clients location
  5. Additional tax benefits can be obtained on rental expenses
  6. No depreciation expense on Assets
  7. No insurance liability on Asset
  8. Availability of backup vehicle service in case vehicle get off road
  9. 24/7 emergency response service

These are some benefits of hiring a monthly car rental for your commutes and other traveling journeys. If you’re looking to invest in a good quality car rental company that offers you a lot of benefits, Deinfa Motors is a good place to start.